The Multinational Andean Project:
A joint funded project with Canadian International Development Agency, the Geological Survey of Canada and the National Geoscience Agencies of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile & Peru.

Multinational Andean Project (MAP)

The countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru share common borders along the Andes Mountains - the spine of South America. It has long been known that these mountains have been endowed with immeasurable mineral riches yet due to the inhospitable nature of the region not only have much of these riches not been extracted, but the basic geology remains incomplete if not sketchy. It is toward the end of locating new ore deposits and the mineral riches this Project is aimed. The member organizations of MAP include the Servicio Geologico Minero de Argentina (SEGEMAR), the Servicio Geologico Minero de Bolivia (SERGEOMIN), the Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria de Chile (SERNAGEOMIN), and the Instituto Geologico Metalurgico de Peru (INGEMET) and the project is administered by the GSC.


The project is a 4 year mapping project funded by CIDA with the primary objectives of:



The primary goal for the member countries is the economic and social development of depressed regions along the borders. This economic development will mainly be through mine and infrastructure development brought about by supplying the private sector with new and updated geoscience information. For Canada, the goal is private sector development and institutional strengthening.


Private Sector Development

In accordance with Nrcan's stated objective to "promote interests of Canadian Industry" the MAP project shall serve as an advocate for the Canadian geoscience industry services and products abroad. Through this agreement, it is expected that the National Geoscience Surveys of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru will be strengthened, positioning them to undertake complex and demanding projects directed towards the needs of client groups shared by each country. An important client group, made up mainly of exploration and mining companies (many of whom are Canadian), still needs to be supplied with new and updated geoscience information.

The Canadian Private Sector and the Geological Survey of Canada will benefit through expansion of its knowledge base in geological terrain relevant to both its national and international mandate of increasing the competitiveness of Canadian companies.




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Geological Survey of Canada
101 - 605 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 5J3
