The Multinational Andean Project:
A joint funded project with Canadian International Development Agency, the Geological Survey of Canada and the National Geoscience Agencies of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile & Peru.
METHODOLOGYStructural Interpretation and Anomalies from LANDSAT Images.
Geologic and Miner Metallogenic Maps.
Petrology and Geochronology
Airborne Geophysics
Geochemical Multielement
Evaluation of Mineral Potential
The objective of the Geological Service National Direction (DNSG) development, has been focused for the next years, in the National Programs of Geological and Thematic Charts, in the Geophysical Aerial Exploration Program and evaluation of the Regional Mining Potential. The National State planned the financing overall of these projects, In this present project we are attempting to resolve those aspects that present more difficulties for the central administration and contemplate support for personnel capacitation, acquisition of equipment, products publications financing, and specialized services. The operating cost of the outstanding execution will be responsibility of the DNSG.
The present Project, intends to promote economic and social development, in a belt that extends from 22º to 28º S latitudes, next to the borders with Bolivia and Chile. The focus of the project, will be on the mineral potential of this area where we know, there are deposits of gold, silver and zones associated alterations with the volcanic Cenozoic, In this way, we will gather basic information, for the systematic exploration and evaluation of potential mineral resources. Integration of existing new data, incorporating the most modern technology for geoscientific mapping and including the latest advances, from the international mineral exploration.
According to the objectives expressed above, we propose the following:
1. To determine conditions in widespread rock units favourable to the existence of mineralization. Having regional metallogenic importance, within the area defined by the Project.
2. To use the most modern techniques referred to the geological and thematic survey, transferring technology and methodology, to local professionals.
3. Increase investments opportunities in mining, responding to the economical opening, and Argentina's sectorial politic.
4. Provide basic information in adequate formats, (hard copy and digital), and related baseline data, that facilitates the private sector's activities, favouring the risk investments and productivity.
As an overall methodology, we will integrate, all Project activities of DNSG, in the area to conform basic information for the mining potential evaluation. Following this priority, we will include geologic and Mining metallogenic maps to scales 1: 250,000 that cover the area, and 1:100,000 scales geologic maps, pointed as a priority to function with the previous outstanding.
Besides field mapping, anomalous alteration areas will be identification through the processing of a thematic mapper (TM) and Satellite images, generated from airborne geophysical outstanding and geochemical multielement.
During the project, we will publicize various open files, with work headway's information and availability of the results obtained. We will also publicize scientific bulletins, with final results of each area, geologic and thematic charts editions and finally, a metallogenic map of synthesis involving the four countries' areas, to scale which is going to be defined.
Structural Interpretation and Anomalies from LANDSAT Images.
The DSGN, will provide all TM tapes available, requiring expert support, for their interpretation, as a base of a harmonized survey of the four geological charts, designated in the Project and definition of main structural characteristics, targets detection's from an appropriate combined band interpretation. All these products, will result in better comprehension of metallogenic phenomemons and will simplify selection of areas for their mineral potential evaluation.
Geologic and Miner Metallogenic Maps.
The DSNG, will complete four Geologic and Mining Metallogenic Maps to scale 1:250.000
- Socompa
- Antofalla
- San Francisco
- FiambaláIn this context we will incorporate technology for the digital data obtention.
As a necessary complement for the production of an adequate study zone chartography, we will make petrogenetic studies, by obtaining chemical data, (for petrogenesis ) and isotopic, to obtain correct identification, of magmatic sequence, genesis and age, producing the important metallogenic conclusions that this data can contribute.
It is considered essential, to accomplish the objectives of the Project, to incorporate Regional Airborne Geophysical information, (magnetometry and radiometry), of evident utility in the tape of environment that the Project has. The experiences obtained by DSNG in this field assure the utility of the mentioned information for a regional and structural mapping improvement and for the definition, of anomalies related with mineralized bodies. We have verified the precision of the method, in structural characterization, specially detection of caldera type structures, location of igneous bodies, (alkalinise, basics, etc.) alteration zones identification (metasomatic, hydrothermal) etc.
The present Project pretends to cover 48.000 km2, of surface equal to the mapping area, starting with a plane survey, to regional scale, with 1 Km. maximum separation of flight lines and 150-250m. altitude over the field, changeable according to the topographic conditions.
For this activity, we have the partial CIDA financing, utilizing as a modality for its definition a bid call, under the multi clients' system, of common use in Canada, that will assure the additional financing, through private mining companies participation.
At this point we will prepare thematic maps that include:
- Magnetometry reduced to the pole
- Magnetometry 1" derivate
- Magnetometry: hight, medium, and low frequencies
- Radiometry: total countsPotassium
We will add to this products, Digital Elevations Field Models, of great utility for adequate products harmonization, in the Geographic Information System, where we will incorporate all the information, given the insufficient quality of the available topography.
Because of old Prospection plans, faced by the National State during the 70s. The DSNG has records of geochemical samples, properly kept and identified, only analyzed, for Cu, Pb and Zn. We consider proper, in a mayor program context, that covers other country areas, to submit these samplesto re-analyses and additional samples to assure an adequate and systematic covering of all the area, estimating a minimum sampling, of one for each 16 Km2.
Analyses to make, that cover the usually combined ICP techniques and neutron activation, which are multielement of type Au + 47 elements.
The DSGN, will divide and prepare samples, to send to specialized chemical laboratories in Canada.
At this point, we will produce for each 1:250.000 sheet, isovalues chart, of the analyzed elements, corresponding interpretations and anomalies identifications.
Evaluation of Mineral Potential
The main objective, is to evaluate methodologies and compile preexisting mining information, through interpretative diagrams' applications such as, metallogenic provinces and application of deposit models, to areas with favourable mineral potential. The overall purpose is to increase knowledge in the Project area that will create interest of anomalies areas detection's to the risk investments.
This program will be structure around the participation of experts in metallogenic, to the evaluation of known typologist deposits and their relation to the geologic environments. We will include the Miner-metallogenic maps, and the evaluation of mineral resources identified by DSNG in the Project area in a metallogenic synthesis map, covering the border areas of the four countries.
Thematically the metallogenic investigations will be focusing on the following deposits models:
- Deposits related to Cenozoic volcanic calderas
- Deposits related to cizalla, eopaleozoic reactivated zones
- Deposits type Kuroko in a volcano sedimentary Ordovician sequencesWe will incorporate into these studies, special techniques like, the use of isotopes and fluid data inclusions.
During the Project, we will generate important large quantity of data, to stored in a data bank, integrated to the Geographic Information System, to be produced.
The implementation of the Project covers:
1. Advice from the specialized organization contracted within the framework of the Project, which will provide expertise for training in specific topics and support the accomplishment of new technologies.
2. Acquisition of services: airborne geophysics, chemical and isotopic analysis, with CIDA financing.
3. Acquisition of specific equipment, for the planned fulfillment of Project activities, with CIDA financing.
4. The operational work for the Project accomplishment (geological mapping, identification of areas with mineral potential etc.) will be the responsibility of the DSNG personnel with own financing.
The Projects local organization, will be the responsibility of the DNSG, and the Director will act as the National Director of the Project, the Regional Geology Director, will act as the Project Leader and the Geological-Mining Resources Director, as the National Coordinator.
National Director: Lic. ROBERTO PAGE
Project Leader: Lic. JOSE MENDIA
National Coordinator: Dr. EDUARDO ZAPPETTINI
The Professional personnel that will act, in the different parts of the Project are:
Eduardo Barber
Jorge Chernicoff
Luis Ferpozzi
Andres Folguera
Marta Godeas
Fernando Hongn
Liliana Martinez
Luis Navarro Garcia
Daniel Rubiolo
Raul Seggiaro
Andrea Turel
Hojas Geológicas 1:250.000: Pirquitas, San Antonio de los Cobres, Socompa
Hojas: Pirquitas, Susques, San Antonio de los Cobres, Socompa, Antofalla, Paso San Francisco, Fiambalá
Datos digitales magnéticos y radimétricos
Mapas de Intensidad del Campo Magnético Total (TMI)
Mapas de Intensidad del Campo Magnético Total Reducido al Polo (RTP)
Mapas de Espectrometría de Rayos Gamma, Potasio
Mapas de Espectrometría de Rayos Gamma, Torio
Mapas de Espectrometría de Rayos Gamma, Uranio
Mapa de Tasa de Absorción del Aire (Cuentas Totales)
Mapa de Espectrometría de Rayos Gamma, Cociente Uranio/Torio
Mapa de Espectrometría de Rayos Gamma, Cociente Uranio/Potasio
Mapa de Espectrometría de Rayuos Gamma, Cociente Torio/Potasio
Mapa ternario de Espectrometría de Rayos Gamma, Potasio-Torio-UranioInterpretación geológica del relevamiento Aeromegnético de la Puna septentrional, Jujuy y Sata. Contribuciones técnicas, Geofísica N° 1
Interpretación integrada de datos geofísicos aéreos e imágenes Landsat TM del Área Puna. Contribuciones técnicas, Geofísica N° 6
Cartas geoquímicas Cu-Pb-Zn: Pirquitas, Antofalla, Paso San Francisco, Fiambalá
Cartas geoquímicas multielemento: Pirquitas, Antofalla, Paso San Francisco, Fiambalá
Mosaico satelital georreferenciado de las hojas: Pirquitas, Susques, San Antonio de los Cobres, Socompa, Antofalla, Paso San Francisco, Fiambalá
Base de datos de recursos minerales metalíferos e industriales
Mapa Metalogenético de la frontera Argentino-Chile, entre los 22° y los 34° de latitud sur. Escala 1:1.000.000. Anales XXI
Metalogénesis del oro de la Sierra de Rinconada, Provincia de Jujuy. Zafiros de la Puna argentina: un potencial Recurso minero. Contribuciones técnicas , Recursos Minerales N° 2
Modelo de elevación digital del terreno de las hojas: Pirquitas, Susques, San Antonio de los Cobres, Socompa, Antofalla, Paso San Francisco, Fiambalá
Geological Survey of Canada
101 - 605 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 5J3