The Multinational Andean Project:
A joint funded project with Canadian International Development Agency, the Geological Survey of Canada and the National Geoscience Agencies of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile & Peru.

Industry Partners Sought For 
Multiparameter Airborne Geophysical Surveys

Northern Area

Consortium Aeromagnetic/Spectrometry Survey

Aeromagnetic surveys are recognized for their usefulness in delineating faults, contacts and alteration zones as well as buried intrusives. Spectrometry surveys provide complementary information on alteration zones as indicated by anomalous concentrations of potassium, uranium and thorium and their ratios. Together these techniques provide a powerful tool for identifying areas prospective for mineral exploration.

A high resolution aeromagnetic/spectrometry survey to be funded by an industry/ government consortium and managed by MAP is being planned. The participation cost will be $75000 US for which the participating companies will receive exclusive use of the data for one year before release by the respective governments. Survey specifications will be Geological Survey of Canada standards, as used for the recent MAP survey in Northwest Argentina. Survey parameters, such as line direction, will be determined by a Technical Committee consisting of one representative from each participating company, SERNAGEOMIN (Chile), SERGEOMIN (Bolivia), and INGEMMET (Peru) and chaired by Dr. Catherine Hickson, MAP Project Manager. Line spacing will be one kilometer or less as funding permits. The contract will be awarded by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) according to PWGSC rules and procedures. The Technical Committee will provide the technical evaluation of the proposals for PWGSC according to the requirements specified in the Request for Proposal. Survey products will include digital profile data, gridded data and maps as specified by the Technical Committee.

Update (Aug 31st, 1999)

Following meeting with prospective industry partners in Santa Cruz Bolivia, Aug 19th, and Lima Peru, Aug 25th , attended by eleven mining companies it was decided that a modified approach would be used to customize the project to the needs of the mining companies and to MAP. Companies are invited to submit their priority areas, in confidence, by Sept 15th, 1999 using the above map as a guide. Priority areas may lie outside the indicated area. MAP will use the submitted information to define an area that maximizes the benefit to mining companies while respecting MAP's objectives. The final area does not have to be contiguous, however it must include a core area that encompasses the three country boundaries, in accordance with MAP's objectives. Submission of priority areas will not imply commitment to participate in the project. Please submit priority areas to Dr. D Teskey, or one of the other contacts listed below by Sept 15th 1999.

Update (Nov 30th, 1999)

Following feedback from potential participants, a survey area has been established that maximizes the usefullness of the survey to the companies while remaining within anticipated funding. The area as shown covers 61000 square kilometres in Bolivia, Chile and Peru and includes a number of geological features and mineral trends important to mineral exploration. The magnetic and spectrometry data will help to define faults both parallel and perpendicular to the main trend of the Cordillera. The location of these faults and their intersections is important information for planning mineral exploration. The data will also identify the location, depth and boundaries of buried intrusives.

Request for Letter of Intent December 6th, 1999

Update (Jan. 4th, 2000)

Three companies have now agreed to participate in the survey. At this time it remains possible for additional companies to join the project, however it is necessary to establish the funding and proceed with the tendering process as soon as possible after the the MAP executive council meeting in Vancouver (Jan 26th - Jan 28th, 2000).

Update (Feb. 23rd, 2000)

The Request for Proposals for the Airborne Geophysical Survey was posted on MERX ( on the 23rd of February 2000. The proposals are due on 20th March, 2000 at 1400 Hrs Ottawa time. This should allow the contract to be awarded in early April for a survey startup in May. Companies interested in participating in this survey can still do so by contacting one of the persons listed below."

Please address questions or comments to Dr. Dennis Teskey:
Tel: (613) 834-0598





Contacts for Area 1

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Geological Survey of Canada
101 - 605 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 5J3
