The Multinational Andean Project:
Peru(Click on an image for more details / Haga un click en la imagen para ver mas detalles)
? Deeply incised stream and rugged topography on the eastern slope of the souther Peruvian Andes. ? Spectacular angular unconformity attributed to sub-Carboniferous folding, between vertically dipping lower Paleozoic strata (middle ground) and subhorizontally overlying Mesozoic rocks (skyline). Photograph is taken near Tayataya, Puno quadrangle, in the antiplano of souther Peru. ? Lecture presentation on geology of parts of Western Canada at offices of INGEMMET, Lima, Peru (see figure caption 4). ? Office of INGEMMET (Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico), the Peruvian Geological Survey, in Lima, Peru. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Geological Survey of Canada
101 - 605 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 5J3