Upcoming Activities
MAP Executive Council Meetings and PDAC (Activity: PM.98/M-6)
The next MAP Executive Council Meetings will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada during the week of the PDAC.
The meetings will be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel where the MAP Executive Council will also be staying. As agreed to in the last Executive Council Meetings in Buenos Aires, the meetings will be held over three days; March 15, 16, and 17 from 8:30 to 12:30 each day. MAP will also have its own booth at the PDAC to present the MAP to the general public and display posters from each of the member countries. For the countries wishing to display a poster at the booth please have your posters ready by March 1, 1999. Please forward agenda suggestions to Mike Ellerbeck by March 1st, 1999.
Mineral Deposits Field Trip Part II (Activity: B.97/M-1)
Part II of the Mineral Deposits field trip to take place in Argentina and Bolivia and is scheduled for the first two weeks of May. MAP administration as well as the Trip Leaders for the two countries (Dr. E. Zappettini for Argentina, and Ing. Mallo for Bolivia) require each country to forward names and contact information for participants. It is urgent that this information be sent by February 15th, 1999.
Metallogeny Short Course by Dr. Andre Panteleyev in Peru
Dr. Andre Panteleyev of XDM Geological Consultants has been invited by INGEMMET Peru to give a short course at their facilities. It has been suggested that the proposed metallogenic work in Peru by INGEMMET would benefit from discussions about Mineral Deposit Classification procedures and the use, and misuse, of genetic Mineral Deposit Models.
Activity Reports

Lima, Peru, January 11th to 13th, 1999: Peruvian and Canadian scientists working together on defining a new INGEMMET mandate to commence in the year 2000.
At the conclusion of the three day session a letter of agreement was signed by all participants.
Seen here from left to right: Ing. Marco Lara, Dr. Andre Panteleyev, Ing. Manuel Paz Maidana, Ing. Elmer Boulanger Rondoy and Dr. Art Soregaroli.
Cocking and Krauth to Peru and Bolivia
(Activity: B.98/M-2)
Robert Cocking and Otto Krauth met with cartographic representatives and geologists at INGEMMET in Lima, Peru and SERGEOMIN in La Paz, Bolivia to see map production methods, software, hardware, and cartographic and GIS database standards used in those countries. These educational meetings are useful as the first step for work on the 1:1,000,000 Metallogenic map to be completed in 2000. Similar meetings with SERNAGEOMIN and SEGEMAR may follow either in person or through the Internet.
Soregaroli, Panteleyev and Krauth to Peru
(Activity: C.98/P-1)
Drs. Art Soregaroli and Andre Panteleyev, along with Otto Krauth (who served as translator), recently returned from successful meetings in Lima, Peru. From January 11th through 13th they met in a "working-group" format with both representatives from the Directive Council and senior scientists from INGEMMET, as well as with private contractor Dr. Nestor Chacon. The focus of the meetings was the formulation of new objectives for INGEMMET after the year 2000. The meetings' success is represented by a document signed by all involved. The document, signed by representatives from the Peruvian Geological Survey, Industry as well as delegates from Canada and Germany, illustrates the common belief that the next step for INGEMMET includes Metallogenic studies.
Hydrogeology Chile: Aravena and Rudolph
(Activity: D.96/C-14)
As part of the continuing collaboration between scientists at SERNAGEOMIN and Canadian hydrogeological consultants, within MAP, Drs. Ramon Aravena and David Rudolph participated in a site visit to Chile during the first two weeks of January 1999. The main objectives of this trip were developed based on the previous year's site visit by Drs. Aravena and Rudolph and a subsequent visit of Mr. Sergio Iriarte of SERNAGEOMIN to the University of Waterloo in August, 1998. The main goals included:
1) Presentation of a technical short course on Hydrology to scientific personnel at SERNAGEOMIN.
2) Transfer field and analytical technology to SERNAGEOMIN for immediate use in MAP.
3) Visit one of the primary field sites within the MAP area and conduct specific field investigations designed to demonstrate appropriate technologies and advance the project to a subsequent phase.
4) Discuss future strategies for continued collaboration within MAP.
The preparation for the short course and field trip began during the last week of December 1998 and the field visit occurred from January 2 - 17, 1999.
Airborne Geophysical Survey Update
(Activity: D.96/A-2)
The final distribution of data from the Puna Austral, Northwest Argentina Airborne Survey was carried out on January 8, 1999 thus concluding the activity. Despite adversity and the challenging terrain, the survey was completed to GSC standards by a dedicated team from private and public sectors in Canada as well as Argentina. MAP management wishes to thank Ms. Josee Potvin and the SIAL Geoscience team for their dedication and to congratulate them for completing the survey in a safe and professional manner.
MAP Information Requirements
Publications in Project Area
The deadline for the initial list of maps and publications from the MAP area has been set for February 19, 1999. The lists will be published on the MAP Web Page along with information on how and where to obtain the products. Please send the information to MAP Administration (if possible in electronic format).
MAP Fellowship Fund
In order to be prepared for the March Executive Council Meetings it is requested that each MAP member country forward their synopsis of areas of strength of their institution as well as areas in which it is believed that training would be beneficial. These synopses will be used in defining the parameters for the proposed MAP Fellowship Fund. Please send to MAP Administration by March 1st, 1999.
WEB Page Facelift
(Activity: C.96/M-1)
The MAP Web Page will be updated in February. Management in each participant country is requested to forward updates to the general description section that pertains to their geological survey. This information will be translated into English by MAP Administration and published in both languages. In order that the Web Page be updated before the end of the fiscal year, it is requested that each country forward updated "General Information" in electronic format to MAP Administration by February 15, 1999.
Individual Country Work Plans for 1999/2000 due March 1st, 1999
As the year-end Executive Council Meetings approach so too does the need to have the 1999/2000 work-plans completed. MAP management would like to have them by March 1, 1999 in order to prepare the individual country meetings and to begin making a budget for the year. Please send the work-plans by email or fax to MAP Administration. Please refer to the Multi-year Project Financial Profile in Report #10 (page 36) to see the Expected Total Funds Remaining in your county's allocation.
MAP Fiscal Year-End
The Fiscal year-end for MAP is March 31. Before this date all activities for the year must be completed or changed. Also, for MAP Report #11 (the year-end report), MAP Administration requires that all reports on activities be completed by those in charge and that all questionnaires for training and collaborative work be completed as well. Please consult Mike Ellerbeck if you have questions regarding this.
The NRCan Geomatics Trade Post in Buenos Aires, Argentina
A new Geomatics Trade Post is to be opened at the Canadian Embassy in Argentina. The Trade Posts primary objective will be to promote Canadian Geomatics technology and services worldwide with the focus on Latin American markets.
With the collaboration of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), an employee of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Ms. Nancy Kearnan, will be posted at the Embassy in Buenos Aires beginning in May of 1999.
The Post will facilitate strategic linkages between Canadian and Latin American agencies as well as universities and will open doors to international trade in Geomatics. It will implement new and renewed Memorandi of Undestanding (MOU) and Letters of Intent with many countries and agencies.
Dr. Lisel Currie gave birth
On January 21 Dr. Lisel Currie of the GSC Calgary office gave birth to a baby boy. Morgan Martino, 7 lbs 10 ounces was born at 11:36 pm. Congratulations from MAP Administration to Lisel and her husband Pasquale.