August 1st, 1999


Activity Reports

Executive Council Meeting
(Activity: PM.99/M-3)

Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Hotel Caparuch
August 21st and 22nd, 1999

Proposed Agenda Items

1) Status of Action Items from March meetings of Executive Council (from March 15 to 17, 1999 meeting minutes)

2) Terrane Paths '99 Conference

3) Dates from UBC Geochronology Lab

4) Review of 1st quarter 1999/00

A) Accomplishments
B) Management Challenges
C) Required Information from Countries
D) Review of upcoming activities and Short-Courses

5) National Standards for Geochemistry

6) Discussion on Cartographic Standards Committee & Technical Committee for the Compilation of Mineral Resources Map of the border regions of the MAP countries.

A) Work plan for the creation of the Mineral Resources MAP
B) Technical Committee Report

7) Airborne Survey Update

A) Argentina / Chile Survey
B) Bolivia / Chile / Peru Survey - Report on first meeting with potential participants

8) Present status of the MAP project in each country - Review of activities so far this fiscal year

1) Field work
2) Laboratory Studies
3) Publications/Reports/ Maps

Airborne Geophysical Survey Meeting
(Activity: D.99/M-C1 & D.99/M-C2)

Bolivia-Chile-Peru Airborne Geophysical Survey Hotel Caparuch Santa Cruz Bolivia August 19th, 1999 3:00pm - 6:00pm

1. Introduction to MAP

- Dr. Catherine Hickson

2. Review of process (Puna Austral Example)

- Agreement, Technical Committee,Contract Management (PWGSC), Request for Proposal, Proposal evaluation and award, Survey Management and Quality Control, Deliveries, Followup D. Teskey, C. Hickson

3. Current Project: - Proposed Area and anticipated cost - MAP contribution - Company contribution - Area discussion - company input

4. Action if insufficient funds: - Multi-year program - Area priorities

5. Agreement - Special purpose account, confidentiality, exclusivity period

6. Timing

7. Specifications

8. Discussion

Technical Committee For The Joint Mineral Resources Map
(Activity: B.98/M-2)

Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Hotel Caparuch
August 20th, 1999

Participants: Coordinator of Committee: Dr. Eduardo Zappettini, Argentina

Members of the Committee: Ing. Vitaliano Miranda, Bolivia Dr. Waldo Vivallo, Chile Ing. Oscar Palacios, Peru
Technical Advisor for MAP: - Dr. Constantino Mpodosis, Chile
Project Manager: - Dr. Catherine Hickson, Canada
Project Administrator: - Mr. Mike Ellerbeck, Canada

- Introduction:
By the coordinator. General framework of the Project - General Objectives - Deadlines - Agreements by the Executive Council.

- Topic 1 . Final Area of the Map
Material: Each country will present its proposed area. Objectives: To agree on the final area to be mapped and making sure that the belts across border areas coincide.

- Topic 2: Descriptive Text
Development: Briefly analyse from a conceptual point of view, the feasibility of including descriptive text on the geology and the deposits on the map, mining record, etc. Each country will discuss its experience with this type of synthesis, at the national or bi-national level, and the level of difficulty in implementation. Objective: Provide technical recommendation to the Executive Council.

- Topic 3: Geological Map Base
Required Materials from each Country: Available Geological Maps at 1;1,000,000, 1:500,000 or 1:250,000 scale.
Other participants: Responsible representatives for the geological area of each country.
Development: The objective of this session is to present and discuss the available information from each country, to be used as a base for the creation of the map. The focus will be the presentation by each country of the stratigraphic column, which must be consistent with existing knowledge. The goal is to accomplish compatibility between the columns and a UNIFIED COLUMN. Once the unified column is defined, it will be the base used by each country to create a preliminary map. Another topic that will be approached will be the correlation of the units along the borders. The purpose of this is to identify areas of conflicting information, and to determine actions to take in order to achieve compatibility.
Note: The unification will include the definition of what is represented/differentiated: formation units/groups, lithologies, genetic environment, etc.
Objective: To agree on a unified stratigraphic column.

- Topic 4: Metallogenic Symbology
Material:Guidelines for the execution of the Metallogenic Map of South America and the guidelines used in each country.
Development: Presentation by the Committee of the Guidelines for the Metallogenic Map of South America. Background; Groundwork; Agreements of the Executive Council. Comparison with the symbology used in the other participanting countries. Discrepancies and correlations. Database to be completed (mine record).
Objectives: Final agreement and implementation of the Guidelines -Database associated with deposits

- Topic 5: Deposits to Represent
Development : The objective of this module is to analyse, in view of the objectives of the map, which deposits will be represented. Among other points the following will be discussed: size limit of the deposits to be represented, whether or not to include industrial mineral deposits, ornamental stones, etc. Selection criteria of the deposits: size, metallogenic importance, historical significance, information density, etc.
Objectives: Unified Criteria for the selection of deposits included in the map.

- Topic 6: Other Tectonic and Metallogenic Elements to Include
Development: The inclusion of additional information will be analysed depending on convenience and availability in order to enrich the map. For example metallogenic belts, metallotects, land division, etc.
Objectives: To agree on what elements to to include (if any). Once all the planned activities for the five topics mentioned above are completed, an agreement will be signed, reflecting the results for each case and then it will be presented to the Executive Council.

Short Course on Mineral Deposits Classification and Genetic Modeling: Bolivia
(Activity A.96/B-3)

A 10-lecture short course was presented by Dr. Andre Panteleyev as part of the Multinational Andean Project (MAP) during June 28 - July 02, 1999 in La Paz, Bolivia at the auditorium of the Servicio Nacional de Geolog’a y Miner’a (SERGEOMIN). The course was intended for geologists interested in economic geology, primarily those in SERGEOMIN engaged in investigations of regional mineralization, metallogeny and assessment of mineral potential. Twenty-two certificates were presented at the end of the course; participants included five from SERGEOMIN, 5 from universities and 12 private or company geologists. The course reviewed advances in metallogeny, schemes of deposit classification, and methods of database construction and utilization. The emphasis was on ore deposits genesis with discussion about major styles of mineralization within a scheme of Cordilleran tectonic evolution ('metallogeny').



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