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Upcoming Activities Short Course in Peru: Mapping Volcanic Terrain: Products and Processes From April 10 through 14 Dr. Catherine Hickson (MAP Project Manager) along with Dr. Kelly Russell, (University of British Columbia), will be at the offices of INGEMMET in Lima to give a short course called Mapping Volcanic Terrain: Products and Processes. Classroom work will be followed by approximately one week of fieldwork in southern Peru. Upcoming Activities - Chile Ing. Paula Cornejo of SERNAGEOMIN will be at the GSC offices in Ottawa from April 11 to 25 to work with Mr. Mike Villeneuve in the GSC Geochronology lab. Ing. Sergio Iriarte and Ing. Igor Aguirre of SERNAGEOMIN will both be working at the University of Waterloo Hydrogeology Department with Dr. Ramon Aravena in mid April. Ms. Anne Thompson of PetraScience Consultants Inc. will be in Chile in late May to conduct an introductrory short course on the use of the PIMA (Portable Infrared Mineral Analyzer) at the offices of SERNAGEOMIN. Airborne Surveys Argentina - Chile Survey: Bolivia - Chile - Peru Survey: Dr. Panteleyev to Peru and Argentina Dr. Andre Panteleyev of XDM Geological Consultants will be at the offices of INGEMMET in Lima on April 10 to give seminars on fluid inclusion studies, mineral deposits and metallogeny followed by fieldwork (April 14 to 23). Dr. Panteleyev will then travel to Argentina where he will spend several days (April 25 to 28) in meetings with management at SEGEMAR. Metallogenic Map Meeting The Metallogenic Map Committee met in Iquique, Chile on the 24th of March to review and prepare job tasks in preparation for the work necessary to complete the first draft of the Metallogenic Map. In June Dr. Eduardo Zappettini will travel to Vancouver, B.C. to work with Mr. Robert Cocking in preparing the draft of the Map. Prior to Dr. Zappettini's trip to Vancouver all countries are required to review and compile their topographic base maps. The four countries are in the process of compiling their geological and mineral deposit data to be integrated in the same database structure. Mr. Cocking has suggested that it would be very useful to complete the data integration process before Dr. Zappetttini's visit in June, in order to advance in the creation of the Metallogenic map.
MAP management wishes to congratulate Lic. Roberto Page of SEGEMAR, Argentina and Ing. Ricardo Troncoso of SERNAGEOMIN, Chile on their recent appointments. Lic. Page was named President and Ing. Juan Carlos Sabalua was named Executive Secretary of Servicio Geologico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR). Ing. Troncoso was reappointed as National Director of the Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería de Chile (SERNAGEOMIN). Both men have made significant contributions to the success of the project and MAP management looks forward to continuing to build on the strong relationships forged with both institutions. Questionnaires We would like to thank those who have sent completed questionnaires. It is very important to the MAP administration to know more about the impact these courses/workshops have had in your institutions. We have sent several reminders to those countries who have not sent their questionnaires. Please send them as soon as possible. If you need blank questionnaires, please contact Rocio Lopez at the MAP administration.
The Technical Director of the Instituto Geologico Minero Metalurgico de Peru (INGEMMET) and member of MAP, Ing. Hugo Rivera wishes to extend an invitation to all MAP members to participate in the II International Congress of Prospectors and Explorationists (ProExplo 2001) April 24 to 27, 2001 to be held in Lima, Peru. The focus in 2001 will be Exploration: The Future of Mining. As well as hosting Short Courses, Field Trips, a Technical Exhibition, a Coreshack, and Keynote Speakers from the mining industry, the conference will also be holding a number of "Round Table" Conferences. Of particular interest to MAP members is the Round Table Conference for the Geological Agencies of Latin America. The conference organizers wish to invite representatives from all of the Geological Surveys of Latin America including the MAP countries to participate in this conference. For further information please consult the WEB page: www.iimp.org.pe or contact Ing. Hugo Rivera (INGEMMET) at (51-1) 224-2961.
Geological Publications of Interest Digital databases and hard copy maps of nickel deposits and porphyry and related deposits, produced as part of the World Map Project (1995-97), have been released as GSC Open Files 3791 and 3792. Information for ordering these open files can be found at the following web sites: Nickel deposits: World Distribution of Nickel Deposits (3791) and World Distribution of Porphyry, Porphyry-Associated Skarn, and Bulk-tonnage Epithermal Deposits and Occurrences (3792). OF 3791a - World distribution of nickel deposits; compiled by: O.R. Eckstrand, D.J. Good, 19 p., 3 diskettes OF 3791b - World distribution of nickel deposits; compiled by: O.R. Eckstrand, D.J. Good, 1 coloured map, scale 1:35 000 000. OF 3792a - World distribution of porphyry, porphyry-associated skarn, and bulk-tonnage epithermal deposits and occurrences; compiled by R.V. Kirkham, K.P.E. Dunne, 26 p. + 1 diskette. OF 3792b - World distribution of porphyry, porphyry-associated skarn, and bulk-tonnage epithermal deposits and occurrences: compiled by R.V. Kirkham, K.P.E. Dunne, 1 coloured map, scale 1:35 000 000. VMS Deposits of Latin America Update The Mineral Deposit Division of the Geological Association of Canada are in the final stages of producing a volume on Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits of Latin America. We currently have commitments for 37 papers from 14 countries, of that 26 papers have been received reviewed and final versions submitted. Six papers are being revised and 5 are still awaiting an initial draft for review. These outstanding papers represent significant contributions to the volume and are holding up the publication. Final versions are currently being typeset, to avoid any lengthy delays in publication of the volume once all papers have been received. Publication of the English version will take place in the summer of 2000, followed shortly by a Spanish version. All who have contributed to this volume are thanked and their efforts will be rewarded in the near future.
WEB Page Update Number of hits per month:
The top ten visits per country are: 1 USA 6 Mexico The top 3 visited pages are: 1 Home page 2000 - 2001 Calender Over the next month MAP administration will be working on the creation of a draft calender of MAP events for the 2000/2001 fiscal year (April 1st 2000 to March 31st 2001). Please make scheduling suggestions to Mike Ellerbeck at: [email protected] |