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Upcoming Activities Chilean Geological Congress July 31 - August 4, 2000. Organizers of the IX Chilean Geological Congress have made the following recomendations to MAP participants: Presentation titles and authors for the MAP symposium, Tuesday, August 1st, 2000 Perú 2 Estratigrafia del paleozoico de la Cordillera Oriental al sureste del Perú, frontera Perú Bolivia. William Martínez V., Robert Monge M. 4 Exploración Geoquímica Regional Multielemento en el área MAP-Argentina mediante la aplicación de componentes principales y mapas de factores. Ferpozzi, L., Turel, A. 5 Evidencias de superposición tectónica en la Sierra de Quebrada Honda, Catamarca. Argentina. Seggiaro, R., Becchio, R. 6 Evolución de la Cuenca de Antepaís y del Arco Magmático Cenozoico en el extremo Austral de la Puna. Argentina. Seggiaro, R., Hongn, F., Becchio, R. 9 Cerro Morocho: Volcán del Mioceno Superior en ambiente glacial? (Catamarca, Argentina) D. Rubiolo, C. Hickson, A. Busteros, M. Villeneuve, B. Edwards Chile 13 Alteración Hidrotermal en la Alta Cordillera de Copiapó, al Este de la Franja de Maricunga (Poster) Lucía Cuitiño 14 Geología y Geocronología de la Caldera Wheelwright, Alta Cordillera de la III Región de Atacama, Chile (Poster) Jorge Clavero R., Constantino Mpodozis M., Moyra Gardeweg P. 15 Antecedentes Fisicoquímicos Preliminares de Cuerpos de agua superficial del Altiplano de la II Región de Atacama, Chile. Igor Aguirre, Jorge Clavero 16 Antecedentes preliminares de la Estratigrafía volcánica de los Cuadrángulos Pampa Lirima y Cancosa, Altiplano de la I Región, Chile (19º 45'- 20º00'S y 69°00'-69°30'W). Edmundo Polanco, Moyra Gardeweg 17 La Ignimbrita Oxaya y la Caldera Lauca: un evento explosivo de gran volumen del Mioceno Inferior en le Región de Arica (Andes Centrales; 18-19° S) Marcelo García, Moyra Gardeweg, Gérard Herail, Carlos Pérez de Arce Bolivia 18 Procesos de Alteración y Mineralización en el Distrito Minero de Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Departamento de Oruro Bolivia H. Uribe-Zeballos, N. Calderón, R. Santivañez G. 19 Metalogenia de la Región Andina Boliviana, Area de Proyecto Multinacional Andino (PMA) B. Heuschmidt, V. Miranda-Angles Canada MAP Standard Geochemical Reference Material Project The MAP Petrological Sample Standards (Geochemical Reference Material) program is progressing well. We have evaluated all potential standards sent to date, and have tested and chosen two samples to start on the development procedure for custom geochemical reference materials. The laboratory work is being done by the Geoscience Laboratories of the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, which has specialised equipment and expertise for this type of procedure. The process includes crushing and grinding about 40-50 kg of rock to start with, then pulverising the material to 200 mesh. It is then homogenised and bottled in 60 g portions, which are then statistically sampled and analysed to re-check the homogeneity. The report from Geoscience Laboratories will include geochemical characterisation of the sample, with whole rock major and trace element geochemistry, as well as H2O+ and H2O-, ferrous iron, and carbon analyses, and information on the Standard Operating Procedures. MAP project leaders and geochemists are asked to make sure that sample information is complete, for updating the MAP database, as well as making a map of locations for the MAP Petrological Standards Poster for the Chilean Geological Congress. This requires accurate location information as well as a description of the local geography of the sample site, including directions on how to find the outcrop. It would also be useful to have a sketch map of the country or area showing the exact location of the sample sites. For some of the above samples, we have already received much of this information, but we are requesting an update to confirm the locations more accurately. Please include both the UTM grid location (include zone and map projection if possible), as well as latitude and longitude for each standard sample, and map sheet if possible. MAP Welcomes new member MAP is pleased to welcome Dr. Mark Stasiuk to the team. Stasiuk recently returned to Canada after a two year stint with the Seismic Research Institute in Trinidad. He will be working on the sample database. It is anticipated that a fully functional database, at least partially populated, will be ready for viewing at the August Executive Council meeting. |