
Geology in Support of Sustainable Development
Under the Multinational Andean Project: Geology in Support of Sustainable Development, carried out from September 1996 to December 2001, a large number of products were completed both by individual participating countries and jointly among several. These publications are available directly from the four participating national geoscience agencies (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru). A major joint project was the completion of a metallogenic map covering the central Andean area of 14° to 28°S, and a 2 volume CD-ROM. The metallogenic map (90cm x 160cm) is in full colour, suitable for wall display. It comes accompanied by a 222 page Bulletin (Spanish only) with extensive annexes containing deposit and stratigraphic information. The geology (1:1,000,000) was synthesized and complied from the latest information available at the time and standardized across country boundaries. The CD-ROM (2 volumes) contains the map in full GIS format (including LandSat and airborne geophysics layers), the Bulletin (English and Spanish), a database (MAPdb) containing all the geochemical and geochronological information collected during the project (and in some cases a compilation of older data), in addition to other information such as a photo library. All material on the CD is fully bilingual (English and Spanish). These products are a "must-have" for explorationists or other researchers interested in the central Andes. They can be purchased through the GSC Vancouver Bookstore or from the individual countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru).

In addition, several airborne geophysical surveys were flown. The data is now available from these surveys; please see the link for specific information.