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Airborne Geological Surveys
About MAP

For a five year period (September 1996 to December 2001) the countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, and Peru worked together on an international geoscience project - the Multinational Andean Project (MAP). The member organizations of MAP included Argentina: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR, formerly DNSG), Bolivia: Servicio Nacional de Geologiá y Minería (SERGEOMIN), Chile: Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería de Chile (SERNAGEOMIN), and Peru: Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico de Perú (INGEMMET). The Geological Survey of Canada acted as the executing agency on behalf of the Canadian International Agency (CIDA), administering the funds provided by CIDA. Project funding exceeded $12,000,000CDN with nearly $5,000,000 CDN provided by CIDA.

The project focused on the central Andes, an area long been known to be endowed with considerable mineral wealth. However, due to the inhospitable nature of the region many of these riches have not been found and even the basic geology remains incomplete if not sketchy. It was toward the goal of locating new mineral wealth helping create sustainable communities that this project was aimed. Through providing updated and enhanced geoscience products it was hoped that exploration in the region would be enhanced. In this vein, numerous different activities were carried out under the project - see MAP News for details and the Final Report (Open File 4415). Four large airborne geophysical surveys were flown and updated metallogenic map (1:1,000,000) and accompanying two volume CD-ROM (including all the geochemistry and dating done under the project) were produced. These products are a must have to anyone interested in the geology of the central Andes.