3 How Will We Know That the Project has been Successful?
3.1 Lessons Learned and Expected Benefits
In this proposal, the participants wish to build on the cooperation generated by working together since 1996 on the Multinational Andean Project (MAP) which has resulted in the following key results: increased investment in mineral exploration in the MAP region; maps and reports using updated standards; exchange of technical data and expertise; increased requests for information to the National Geoscience agencies from the private sector; increased product quality and analytical capacity; high quality analytical data; and highly trained personnel. The spirit of cooperation and sharing of joint objectives under MAP have proven to be very powerful in moving the countries forward. This cooperation will allow the countries to step beyond their borders and work on establishing interconnectivity between the countries by sharing information and experiences. Specifically, it is anticipated that this Project will help the countries build their capability to assess natural hazards and provide derivative products to assist communities and governments in land use planning and to aid economic development, thus increasing the tax base for the region.
3.2 Measurement of Project Success
The Project success will be measured using verifiable indicators for each of the Project's key results: identification of natural hazards and groundwater resources; updated inventories on anthropogenic infrastructure, natural hazards, and mineral, groundwater and geothermal resources; complied and integrated information into a geographic information system; scientific information necessary for selection of sites for community development; and data for informed decision making by communities and governments.