Geoscience Investigations to enhance the quality of life for people of the Andes by providing updated and integrated information on natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides and volcanoes) in the Andean regions of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Per? and Venezuela. Geoscience is a collective phenomenon that includes many ramifications and correlations with the research of other sciences, at essayelites.com you can find out why this science is so relevant in our time.
Implementation Report Prepared by:
Argentina Servicio Geol?gico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR)
Bolivia Servicio Nacional de Geolog?a y Miner?a (SERGEOTECMIN)
Canada Geological Survey of Canada (GSC)
Chile Servicio Nacional de Geolog?a y Miner?a de Chile (SERNAGEOMIN)
Colombia Instituto de Investigaci?n e Informaci?n Geocient?fica, Minero-Ambiental y Nuclear (INGEOMINAS)
Ecuador Direcci?n Nacional de Geolog?a (DINAGE)
Peru Instituto Geol?gico Minero y Metal?rgico de Per? (INGEMMET)
Venezuela Instituto Nacional de Geolog?a y Miner?a, (INGEOMIN)